Our disaster recovery solutions bridge the gap between expensive near-zero-downtime solutions, and low-cost tape backup. We protect your workloads with mirroring-like performance at a price point approaching tape.

Traditional disaster recovery solutions force you to choose between performance and price. You and your users want low RPOs and RTOs, typically four hours or less. That's virtually impossible with tape. But on the other hand, it's prohibitively expensive to mirror the whole data center. Our disaster recovery solutions let you meet or exceed RPOs and RTOs of an hour or less, at a price point that lets you protect more of your servers for less money.

Get back to business quickly after an outage. When IT systems go down, the business is impacted, and there's tremendous pressure to get things back up and running fast. In today’s always-on world, acceptance of downtime, even for low-priority systems, is at an all-time low.

Protect from server failure and site–wide outages. When an individual server fails, spare parts, or even a replacement, may be minutes away. But what if your entire site goes down? This can happen as the result of a major regional incident, simple human error, or even a plumbing issue.

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